1) Download & Install
These downloads are essential for providing the backend support needed by the plugins to handle the conversion and rendering of the PDF documents.
1. Pandoc
→ This will be used to convert your .md notes to .pdf. - and it can handle other conversion as well (e.g. .docx to .md)
2. TeX Live
→ handling .latex - either full install (recommended). Otherwise, you might have to install missing packages later on.
3. Eisvogel
→ The templates normally used with the Enhancing-Export Plugin. I will show you how to use your own Template as well as give you a free template I personally use for University.
→ Unzip and copy the whole folder in your obsidian Template folder.
4. My Template
The guide focuses around this template, which is the one you saw in the preview. To get started with my template, you can download it here:
**Unzip and:
- move the templates in your template folder
- move the pictures in your picture / resource path
5. Font: libertinus-otf (optional)
I use libertinus-otf which allows you to use math, old Greek etc. and other symbols (and Serif + Ligatures). If you want to use another font, you have to specify that in the .latex template!
And also,check this if you are looking for a cool font for your Vault!
Contunue with: 3) Setting up PDF-Export