
Some Plugins are “just-install”. Some will get explained - just follow the hyperlinks. I may list more in some time.


Writing-Utility5) Editing Toolbar”Word”-like editing Toolbar
7) Hover Editorleverage .md-links with hover (also pdfs)
6) Text SnippetsAutomate Text snippets!
Various ComplementsText-Completion with dictionarys you define! (or custom ones)
DicManmanage dictionaries for plugin above
Better Word Countcount selected text
Better Footnote
Readers3) PDF++
Epub-Readerpoor you! :^)
OthersExcalidrawDraw and Mindmap stuff.
Lazy-Plugin loaderrecommended for better App startup time
Share Noteshare a Note online (encrypted)
short links
link convertereg. convert picture-links for pandoc
UNITADEview other text types: txt, latex, tex etc.
2) LanguageToolGrammar and spellcheck
4) Writing GoalsSet Writing Goals

Continue with: 2) LanguageTool