The Body

The contents you write in your actual markdown note are referenced as $body$ in the .latex Template.

Sometimes you want to structure your Text a little bit more, for example:

  • start on a new page;
  • increase or decrease spacing from paragraphs

Here is a small list of basic spacing and page control commands - if you have more complex latex commands you might want to either adjust the latex template or wrap the command in latex blocks

\smallskipAdds a small vertical space (typically 3pt plus 1pt minus 1pt)
\medskipAdds a medium vertical space (typically 6pt plus 2pt minus 2pt)
\bigskipAdds a large vertical space (typically 12pt plus 4pt minus 4pt)
\vspace{length}Adds a custom-sized vertical space where length is a dimension (mm, cm, pt, etc.)
\hspace{length}Adds a custom-sized horizontal space where length is a dimension
\newpageForces the start of a new page
\clearpageStarts a new page and processes all pending floats (images, tables)
\\Creates a line break without starting a new paragraph

If you need to write latex in the .md:

Single line:


Or centered by adding another pair:

$$F_0(Y) & = &\sin(Y) + a_0,$$

Or multi line:

F_0(Y) & = &\sin(Y) + a_0,\\
F_1(Y) & = &\cos(Y) + a_1,\\
F_2(Y) & = &\tan(Y) + a_2, \\
F_{K-1}(Y) & = &\log(Y) + a_{K-1},\\
F_{K}(Y) & = &e^Y + a_K,

(can’t render it here for some reason, but it looks like this in my .md):


you get the idea.

Continue with: 7) Bibliography in the Body