Best PDF-Reader for Obsidian in my opinion, fast, remembers where you left off, and tons of options. Now if you have no window manager which is mostly the case if you come from Windows, having the PDF viewer and note-taking program wrapped together is on itself good because you don’t have to fiddle around resizing the two apps etc. Also, everything is in one place.

First important thing, you want to make sure that you annotate the file itself, so that annotations will be 1) visible in other readers and 2) the highlight will get lost if you delete the corresponding link in a .md note. To prevent this, set: Add Highlights to the file directly after activating it in the Settings:

Settings: PDFS


In settings, look for Copy templates and then enter the text snippet below for the Quote section in Display text format

This left me with quotes in code-blocks (and a link for hover-editor) for convenient copy & pasta:

> ({{linkWithDisplay}})
> ```
> "{{selection}}"
> ``` 

You can select the copy-templates with the two down arrows in the PDF++ Toolbar to the left of the Add Highlights to the file directly option.

Install via community plugins or GitHub!

Continue with: 4) Writing Goals